+1 - Google's Like Button Launched Officially

Originally posted on 2011-06-01T21:09:00Z at http://theonlinekenyan.com/2011/06/1-googles-like-button-launched-officially.html

Google has just launched its +1 button across the internet. Much like Facebook's Like Button, you can share your favorite videos, links, products, even places throughout the web.
Google's +1 Button

Recommendations in Google Search Results

Using the collective +1's from people around the web, the button provides Google with much more relevant results. Not only does it provide a way to get insight from friends but better results as well.

Using the Google +1 Button

Just like any other social media Recommend, you'll get to see all your friends' +1's once you've signed into your Google Account. Google will also incorporate, just like Facebook's Likes and Twitter's Tweets, +1s  into their search algorithm for better search results.

Try out the brand new +1 button:

+1 is as simple on the rest of the web as it is on Google search. With a single click you can recommend that raincoat, news article or favorite sci-fi movie to friends, contacts and the rest of the world. The next time your connections search, they could see your +1’s directly in their search results, helping them find your recommendations when they’re most useful. - Google's Official Blog

Get the Google +1 Button for your website

In order to get a +1 button for embedding on your site, like the one above, visit the Google +1 webmaster site. You'll get a javascript code to insert in the head of your site, and another code to embed the +1 button.  

Google +1 Button:: Video