Safaricom Internet: Yes, No and Why

Originally posted on 2010-02-07T06:02:00Z at

This article was solely on Safaricom's offer, but as is expired, I decided to regurlarly update it on internet connectivity opportunities and how to make use. I touch on the best way to use your modem. Plus the cheapest internet offers on Kenyan mobiles. ESSAR YU, ORANGE, SAFARICOM and ZAIN.
Safaricom HACKS: getting the most out of it
  • Stay 3G.  Before Connecting, Make sure on the Safaricom Broadband bottom left corner you have WCDMA. This will enable 3g's HSPDA, which is the fastest offered by Safcom. If you are in Nairobi, check for a place you can get it to have a quality browse
  • Do not Disconnect. When Your Offer expires, you'll notice you are still connected even though you got that sms telling you your offer is through. Don't disconnect and you'll get extra free hours, this also applies to converting to MBs.
  • Use Download Managers for your downloads: IDM and Free Download Manager. They'll save you lots of time. For Example, sometime its faster to download youtube videos and watch on PC, than watching directly on youtube, check this out.
NB: Unlimited Internet Offer Has Expired
convert credit to mbs : Get a data bundle:
For 250/= get 40MB by sending an blank SMS to 442.100MB 500/= sms 443. 300MB for 999/= sms 446. for 700MB at 1,999/= sms 447. for 1GB for 2,499/= sms 448. 2GB for 3,999/= sms 449. 3GB for 4,999/= sms 451.5GB for 6,999/= sms 452
Check out full (Saf, zain, yu, orange) updated Internet Charges [data]
For the Cheapest Internet Rates:
Yu has some of the cheapest internet rates now with Unlimited Internet for a month for only 1000/=. Using your Safaricom Modem: To connect Yu, Zain, Orange (cheaper)
  • Log in to your facebook account. Then join/like one of the groups e.g the best group I've seen there, Unlocking Saf, Yu Zain Modems, and such others.
  • The group you joined will give you instructions on unlocking. they will request your modem IMEI no. then unlock it for you.
  • Once you have unlocked your saf modem, you can change access settings (they-above will give you procedure) and use your Yu line.
  • Remember to Disable Automatic Updates on your Computer to Further Minimize megabytes used, Plus you can disable images on your browser-This cuts MBs to a surprisingly low figure
N Thank You Safcom For the Modem, Thank Yu and Zain and Orange for the cheap Internet. Internet Profiles for Networks.
Safaricom's mobile phone internet offer is the cheapest right now in Kenya. Am talking browsing strictly on your phone. They call it "Unlimited Internet All Day for 8 bob" which isn't entirely accurate as you'll see.
To subscribe: 
  • Dial *544#
  • A list will pop up on your screen with the first option showing: 1. Subscribe to Unlimited Internet
  • Click on Answer, then send 1, and you'll get a message on your subscription
How they charge: For every 10 Megabytes, you browse on your phone you are charge 8 bob. 10MB for Kshs. 8/= Hence 1mb you are charged less than 1 Ksh (0.8), while when you convert to data bundle for 300MB is 1000 bob hence 1mb is over 3 Kshs (3.3) hence the previous is cheaper. This is nothing compared to their actual charges per mb without converting or subscribing which is about Kshs. 10/= per mb. Subscribe for Unlimited and you'll browse Much MUCH CHEAPER.