World IPv6 Day: What You Should Know

Originally posted on 2011-06-07T18:56:00Z at

What is IPv6?

IPv6 is the newest version of the Internet Protocol. Internet Protocol, aka IP, is what the internet uses to communicate. Every gadget (computer, website, phone, tablet) is given it's own unique IP address, kind of like a telephone number, with which other devices can identify it. Neat, huh? Well, you know how everyone and everything's on the net these days? The IP Version we're using right now, IPv4, its addresses are quickly running out.
World IPv6 Day - June 8
On this World IPV6 Day, Google, Facebook, Youtube, Yahoo, Huawei, Bing, Cisco, Akamai, Bing, Mozilla, Meebo and over 400 other major tech companies will participate in an IPV6 test-run. For 24 hours, these sites will be reachable via IPV6. This comes as IP shifts to the Brobdingnagian 128-bit IPv6 addresses from 32 bit IPv4 addresses.

What Does World IPv6 Day Mean for You?

Internet users will not need to do anything different on World IPv6 Day. Web services, Internet service providers, and OS manufacturers will be updating their systems to ensure Internet users enjoy uninterrupted service. In rare cases, users may still experience connectivity issues when visiting participating Websites. - via World IPv6 Day Website

IPv6 Connectivity Issues

When sites go online with IPv6, 99% of user will have no problems. For some, IPv6 may not be enabled or working properly. Here are some things you can do to get with the program:
  • Use an IPv4-only website, if one is available. For example, you can access Google at instead of
  • Upgrade to the latest version of your browser. Older versions of many browsers have known bugs with IPv6, and later versions may incorporate workarounds for IPv6 connectivity-related issues in operating systems, routers, and ISP’s.
  • Install a browser that includes workarounds for IPv6 connectivity problems, such as Google Chrome.
- via Google: Internet Protocol Version 6

IPv6 Test

Check whether your computer and connection are ready for IPv6: IPv6 TEST